Do you have a return/refund policy?
If any of the products are bad/inedible within 3 days of receipt for baked goods and 14 days of receipt for duck eggs please contact us and we will provide replacements or a refund. Unfortunately items can not be returned due to food safety concerns.
How much is sales tax?
Prices listed include all applicable sales taxes.
How long are duck eggs good?
The US requires all egg producers to wash and sanitize eggs in order to curb the spread of salmonella. Thus they need to be refrigerated after being sanitized. Under Colorado law we label our eggs with the date they were washed and a sell by date, typically 4 weeks after the washed date. Since we wash eggs relatively quickly after being laid we have found eggs to be good up to 2 months after being washed.
I'm on the winter waiting list, but where else can I find fresh duck eggs?
We appreciate your patience with the ducks taking a break in the winter, but understand that it is difficult to find fresh duck eggs. We have been able to find fresh duck eggs at the Viet Hoa Supermarket in Denver. Other Asian grocery stores typically sell salted/preserved duck eggs, but the Viet Hoa Supermarket is the only store we have found selling fresh duck eggs.
Chicken egg prices are so high right now, what does it take to raise our own chickens/ducks?
Like any animal it is a long term commitment. Please check our the Raising Ducks pages for general tips on how to raise poultry and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out.
We can't keep our ducks/chickens anymore, can you take them in?
While we would love to take in all poultry needing new homes we don’t have the capacity. Our first recommendation in this situation is to post on the Colorado Chickens Facebook group to see if there is anyone local who can take in your poultry.
Do you ship duck eggs?
Unfortunately, we do not ship duck eggs and only offer local (Denver, CO) pickup. We appreciate your interest, but we are a small farm and don’t have the capacity to sell all across the country. We encourage people looking for duck eggs to be shipped to look into Metzer Farms. We purchase ducklings from them and they ship fresh duck eggs for eating and have a list of local duck egg farmers.
Can you sell to restaurants/grocery stores/etc?
Yes, we are fully licensed in the State of Colorado to commercially sell fresh duck eggs. Please know that we are a small farm, so being able to commercially supply eggs will depend on various factors (time of year, customer demand, etc).